Saturday, November 5, 2011

Saturday Workout & SPoH: Day 7 - How Much and When

Today, I took some advice from my cousin and did some stretching today because I am still sore.  Most sites I researched said that stretching is one of the important ways of relieving soreness.  A few said that it can cause more damage.  But I am taking caution not to over stretch my muscles so that I do not wind up with a worse injury.  Check out for more.

SPoH: Day 7 - How Much, and When, to Drink.  Believe it or not, I already mentioned how much water we are supposed to intake each day.  I didn't know that he actually mentioned it in his book.  Just as a reminder, we are supposed to intake half your weight in ounces: Weight /2= ounces.  If you do not consume that much drinking, keep in mind that we also intake water through some of the foods we eat such as fruits and vegetables.  If you eat a lot of baked goods, you will need to consume more in your beverage.  According to Colbert, Caffeine is not all bad for you.  There are some benefits to coffee and greet tea.  The both contain antioxidants.  Some research shows that it helps with some diseases, but if you have arrhythmias of the heart, fibrocystic breast disease, and migraine headaches, you should probably avoid caffeinated beverages altogether.  Climate can also effect how much your body needs.  For instance, if you work outside a lot during the hot hours and find yourself sweating a lot, you might find that your body will need a lot more than on a cooler day when you are indoors and not sweating nearly as much.  When should you drink.  Colbert actually advises not to drink too much during a meal.  He says that it is much like pouring water over a fire.  It disrupts the digestive process.  He advises to drink 15- 30 minutes before meals or 2 hrs after, only drink 4-8 oz of room temperature water during meals, and don't drink much past 7pm (or I have heard 3 hours before your bedtime) because it may interfere with your sleep.  If you are trying to lose weight, drink more water before your mealtime so that you get that more full feeling.  Be aware that you CAN drink too much water.  The psychological condition is called psychogenic polydipsia.  I think a good rule of thumb should be not to drink any more than 16-24 oz at a time.  To end the water segment, Colbert reminds us that we should pray for our water before we drink it.  He leaves us off with a couple of bible references: Mark 16:18 and Exodus 23:25

I am so thankful for the wisdom that Colbert brings.  There are so many verses in the bible that refer to water, in the physical and spiritual sense.  God has designed our bodies to depend on it and we should not take that lightly.  However, I will say this, be careful not to let the things that are learned or what you cannot control cause you to stress.  We cannot control how many problems we have with our water.  We can only do what we are able to control and the rest we must leave to God.  As I mentioned, right now what I can do is use my brita and add lemon juice to my water.  That is all I can control right now in my current circumstances.  The rest I will pray for.

Next section is on "R&R".  Water is the first pillar, Rest & Relaxation is the second.

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