Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Day 37 of 5am & SPoH: Day 21 - Meal times

Today I did a little over 6 miles on the stationary bike.  That is not much, but it is what I was able to do in the amount of time that I give myself in the morning to workout.  I am very tired today because of a restless night.  So I do not believe that my workout was as good as it could have been.

SPoH: Day 21 - Colbert talks more about dinner time then any other meal.  I was expecting that he would finish off the Food section with how often and when we should be eating. Instead he decides to focus on dinner time.  He did mention that breakfast should be the biggest meal of the day and that the following meals get smaller and smaller.  Our culture seems to have this backwards today.  Even to the point that people will actually skip breakfast.  I used to do this, but this is a huge no no!  What Colbert talks about though is pretty important.  When you are eating your dinner, you really should stay away from watching TV or having a heated conversation.  Pleasant conversation during a meal is very important for your digestion.  He says that when you are arguing or debating at the table or watching an intense show or movie, your blood rushes to another part of your body effecting how your digestive system works.  So when you are eating, try to avoid those heated moments.  The other thing that I know we have all heard is that it takes about 20 minutes for your hypothalamus to signal to the rest of your body that you are full.  So take your time eating.  No need to shovel everything in.  Colbert also says that especially with meats and other proteins we should chew, chew, chew!  Part of digesting properly for humans is our chewing.  When we swallow meat pieces whole it is hard on our bodies system.  Making it overwork.  So take your time eating.  Don't rush the chewing and swallowing process.  He also advises that after each bite put your fork down.  This reminds you to take your time.

Some other things he talks about are the freshness of our foods and cooking healthy.  In these hard times, buying food fresh and organic every couple of days is hard for a lot of people.  But if you can do it, you will maximize the nutrients you receive from the foods you eat.  Also, avoid frying at all costs and when you can, eat raw or steam.  When you boil vegetables in water, a lot of the nutrients are left in the water.  Microwaving makes food dead.  So when you can, avoid using the microwave.

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