Saturday, October 29, 2011

Saturday Workout & SPoH: Day 1 - Water

Today, I pulled out the Kinect game The Biggest Loser: Ultimate Workout.  I really like this workout game because I can see if I am doing the exercises right.  However, because we have a rather small living space, it is difficult to get any credit for doing exercises on the floor.  I realized today that I think I need to increase my intensity level on that game.  I did a "light" workout and while I was sweating a little at the end, I really don't feel like I worked as hard as I could have.  If you ever get a chance to try the game, it is well worth it in my opinion. :)

SPoH: Day 1 - Water! We have all heard that we must drink water.  Unfortunately, in our culture we have so many other options that are more tasty that we will often pass up the opportunity to drink water and make another choice instead.  What many people don't know though is that those other drinks often contain sugars or dehydrates of some kind.  So not only are we not taking in enough water, we are actually depleting ourselves of water.  God designed our bodies to thrive on water.  According to what I read in the book, our bodies are made up of 70% water! And to think of how little we drink of it.  So sad.  Colbert recommends that we drink 2-3 Quarts of water per day.  That is equivalent to 64-96 ounces or 4-6 tall glasses that we usually drink from today.  I read somewhere if you really want to get specific for your own bodies needs, you should divide your weight in half and drink that number in ounces every day.  So if you weigh 180lbs, you should drink 90 ounces of water a day.  Colbert also found that when people drank more water many of their ailments began to go away such as joint pains, headaches, heartburn, and even depression.  I know from my own experience that I feel much more energetic when I am drinking more water each day.  The book also said that if you wait to drink water when you are thirsty then you are probably already dehydrated.

I will admit that as of recent, I have not been drinking as much water as I should.  I have not been drinking as much of the other stuff, which is good, but I know I can do better.  The challenge to start with is to drink more water! I recommend having a water purifier and using your own bottles from home.  You could buy the water bottles, but with the amount of water you would have to drink, you may be drinking 4 or 5 bottles a day.  That's one and a half 24 bottle cases a week, basically.  I have a Nalgene bottle that I like to drink from.  It holds 32 ounces of water which is nice so I don't have to fill it up a lot during the day.  There are many options out there though.  If you decide to go with a stainless steel bottle, make sure you do your research.  Some stainless steel bottles have been known to rust in a short period of time.  They do have plastic bottles now that are BPA free.  Water may not taste good to you, but you may find that over time your taste buds will adjust to the dullness of the taste and you will find yourself craving it. I know some people who can't bear the taste of water will add a lemon, orange or other fruits to add to the flavor.  I've also read some people will add a mint leaf.  Many of the flavor packets you can find these days are actually dehydrates, so be careful.  Any other thoughts, suggestions, or comments, or responses to the reading?  I'd like to hear them.

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