Thursday, December 29, 2011

New Years Resolutions & SPoH: Day 29 - Detoxification! A great way to start the new year

I know it has been a really long time since I have posted anything.  I apologize for the dead space.  Some of you were probably wondering if I was still ALIVE!!  J/K.  Anyways, this two week break from work has not turned out to be the way I had hoped.  As much as I love spending time with family and friends, this time of the year tends to be more stressful than helpful.  My schedule is loaded up with so many things to do and very little time to myself or with my husband.  No offense to those that I spend time with.  I really do love the social gatherings that take place this time of the year.

With Christmas Day now passed in 2011, I am beginning to look at what 2012 will bring.  I have a few goals in mind for New Year's resolution that I wanted to share.

1) Read the bible in a year.  My church did this together a couple of years ago and I think it was a phenomenal idea.  I did not do so well on my part, but maybe this year I can do it.  I have not done this since I was in high school.  I printed a schedule found on the gideons international website.

2) Continue to work on my health and attain my weight loss goal of 50lbs.  While you all know that I have lost inches, losing actual lbs has been more difficult recently.  I hope that this year I am able to reach my goal of losing an additional 50lbs.  Your continued support and encouragement really helps.

3) Complete the ASL Institute's first and second semester courses.  I plan to do this on my own time.  The lessons are free and I hope to obtain some practice with a very good friend of mine who is fluent in ASL.  I really look forward to it.  If anyone is interested in learning or even teaching your kids some basic ASL the website is

SPoH: Day 29 - Detoxification!  What a great topic just before we begin the new year.  Our bodies are exposed to so many different toxins this day in age between the air, water, food supply and even the medications that we take as well as dental procedures.  The list goes on and on.  Our bodies are exposed to so many different things.  God truly gave us amazing bodies to be able to handle all the abuse!  However, I don't think that it hurts for us to try to minimize some of those toxins if we can.  Here are some tips that Colbert gives to start: 1) Watch the kinds of foods that you eat ( organic, free-range, low-fat, etc.) 2) Drink good water. 3) Breathe clean air. (avoid areas with high content of smog, etc) 4) Wear rubber gloves when handling chemicals.  5) Work with your dr to get off medications as much as possible. (this will give your liver a chance to do it's job)

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