Day 38 of 5am: Monday was my first attempt at doing the Zumba videos. I did the Basic video which shows you all the different moves and such. I love to dance, but I am not sure how my body is going to do with the 20 minute video of non stop movement. I suppose I will have to try sometime later this week. We will see how it goes. My heart rate went up just from learning the steps. So that is a good sign.
Day 39 of 5am: Tuesday I rode the stationary bike.
Wednesday was Wellness day at school, so I decided to wait until the afternoon. I participated in a Zumba class led by an old friend of mine. If any of you live in the Zion or Winthrop Harbor area, there are classes led by her. Let me know if you want info I can let you know what the schedule is.
Day 40 of 5am: Today I did Zumba at home. I am really liking this way of exercising. I love to dance and this is a great outlet for me. I will probably be doing more Zumba over the next 3 weeks since I have the videos for awhile.
SPoH - Exercise!
Day 22: Colbert likes to look at our bodies like they are water. Essentially they are made up 2/3 of water, so it makes sense. He talks about when you have stagnate water, water that is just sitting in a cup for a very long time, eventually you will see it start to breed bacteria, become slimy, etc. Just think of how your body is. If you are not moving, replacing the water in your system, it can become like that cup of water. Exercise helps move that water through your system. You need to "stir" the waters to rid the toxins in your body.
This is why when you are exercising, you are less susceptible to becoming sick. Even for many of the diseases today, you can fight them with exercise. Cancer being one of them. The ones who I have known to survive cancer have been the ones who have been most active in their lifestyle. In Jesus time they did not need to set time aside to exercise. They were consistently walking everywhere. Today, we have the ability to drive a car from one location to another. Exercise is not as natural for many of us. We are forced into a situation where we must incorporate it into our daily schedule rather than allowing our day to day activities to take care of it.
Day 23: Exercise effects your body in many different ways. It helps prevent cancer, heart disease, heart attacks, and diabetes. (all things most of us have heard) It improves our lymphatic flow and increases perspiration. (basically the garbage removal system in our bodies) It lowers stress, promotes weight loss, and decreases appetite.
When I woke up today, one of my nostrils was completely blocked. As most of you can tell, I have sinus issues from time to time. I've been doing what I can to control it. Anyways, I decided I was not going to let my blocked nostril stop me from doing my workout. So I did my 5am workout and sure enough at the end of my workout it was completely cleared. And whatever stuffiness I had left after the workout vanished after taking a shower. So if you are battling with minor sinus stuff, try exercise and see what it does.
Day 24: There are more ways how exercise benefits our bodies. It helps to slow aging and build strong bones. It helps with digestion and regular bowel movements. ( I know, gross, but it is very important for your body to have them!) It helps with sleep, prevents cold/flu, reduces depression, improves memory, slows Alzheimer's, may prevent Parkinson's, increases lung capacity and energy, and alleviates pain.
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