Thursday, April 19, 2012, a FREE way to keep track

So I have been doing WW the last couple of months, which has been great.  I have seen some success with my weight loss.  However, I am not thrilled about the fact that it does cost to continue to  use the online system.  Recently, a good friend of mine told me about and how you can keep track of your calories in and out for FREE!  And there is no secret formula to figuring out numbers and such.  It's all just calories and it will also track some of the other nutrients for you.  I thought I would test it out and compare with the WW program over my spring break, and when I put the two side by side, there was not much that was different in keeping track of the diets.  I reached my limit with calories around the same time I would reach the limit of points with WW.  So if things are a bit tight for you with money, give a try.  I plan to make the switch.  Oh yes, and if you are just trying to maintain, they have that option as well.  Oh yes, and one more thing, are you pregnant?  Yes, they also have an option for pregnant woman so that you do not add all those extra pounds during pregnancy, but are making sure that you and your baby are getting what you need.  Check out  How about . . . are you a teenager?  Check out  If you sign up, you can use me as a reference: KaraBeem.  Not only do they have trackers, but there is a wealth of knowledge and thousands of new recipes that you could take advantage of.  You can even build your own recipes and it will calculate the calories for you. :)  Since I started keeping track, I've lost 6 lbs in 3 weeks.  If you do decide to join, let me know.  I would not mind having a little friendly competition as long as the goals are realistic.  I'm down 41lbs and have about 40lbs to go before I reach my ideal weight goal.  Although, I would be quite satisfied with just losing 30lbs at this point. :)

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