Tuesday, I did Denise Austin's Bootcamp again. I overslept a bit because I failed to turn my alarm on. However, the beauty of getting up at the same time each morning through the week is that your body naturally wakes up at around the same time. :) So I was up at a little after 5:20am. Since this happened, I decided to go with the shortest workout that I currently had and that was Denise Austin's Bootcamp video. Even though I woke up late, I did not give up. I was determined to have my workout. I will say though that I was a bit sluggish and decided instead of doing a video workout on Wednesday that I would do something that would not be as hard on my joints - riding on a stationary bike.
SPoH: Day 16 - Our Bodies, God's Temple. I chose today's title because it is basically the same title as this chapter of the book. Colbert starts of with a story about his truck. His friend borrowed it, put too much weight in it, and it resulted in Colbert eventually having to repair shocks and other parts because it was too much for the frame. His point was that our frames are only designed to carry so much weight. When we allow ourselves to be overweight, we are more prone to needing repairs. It's no wonder our knees, ankles, and hips hurt and that we are so tired all the time. We're carrying all this weight around continuously, unless we do something about it.
There is another passage that I am going to take right from the book because it really is an eye opener. Maybe some of you have thought about this before:
"The main reason many Americans are obese is simply gluttony, and Christians are no exception. Think about this: How often are church functions centered around food? How many churches have doughnuts and coffee to raise attendance numbers for a Bible study or service? A study from Purdue University found that religious people are more likely to be overweight than are nonreligious people. In state-by-state comparisons, they found the percentage of obesity highest in states where religious affiliation was more prevalent. Think about it! Christians often think that because they don’t smoke, drink, or party, they can eat all they want! Then they reap what they sow in obesity, heart disease, cancer, hypertension, type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, reflux disease, sleep apnea, and loss of quality of life.
COLBERT, DONALD; Mary Colbert (2006-12-11). The Seven Pillars of Health (p. 69). Siloam. Kindle Edition.
Isn't this sooooo true?! How many of you know of a ministry aside from just a church service or bible study where their lure is food? Yes, it was common for the disciples and the early churches to eat together, but it wasn't the main event. It was done because they needed to sustain life and sometimes their time of fellowship, teaching and learning would take all day! The point is that the focus was on God not food. In our culture of marketing and ads, we have allowed ourselves to use food as a way of getting people to come learn about God instead of just allowing God to do the work or having faith that He is all anyone needs.
We have allowed ourselves to succumb to the sin of gluttony!!
Do not join those who drink too much wine or gorge themselves on meat, for drunkards and gluttons become poor, and drowsiness clothes them in rags. —PROVERBS 23:20-21, NIV
We need to learn a practice of self-control and will power. Learn about portion sizes and moderation. Many of our issues can be tagged to a deeper emotional issue. Ask yourself what it is that you may be trying to deal with emotionally. Or it may simply be that you are uneducated and now that you want to get healthy, you have to learn what it is that your body can and can't have. Don't give up. After all, our bodies are God's Temple! Doesn't he deserve our best?
Its also because God provides for those who believe in him, this idea has actually been on my mind the last couple months, i thought of it right after i gave birth and since its been encouraging me to realize that i am Gods masterpiece and i need to start treating it like so. Since i have only been taking in my needs and watching what i have been eating, I have been trying to put that realization on to my mother as well, i hope she starts thinking this way