Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Day 37 of 5am & SPoH: Day 21 - Meal times

Today I did a little over 6 miles on the stationary bike.  That is not much, but it is what I was able to do in the amount of time that I give myself in the morning to workout.  I am very tired today because of a restless night.  So I do not believe that my workout was as good as it could have been.

SPoH: Day 21 - Colbert talks more about dinner time then any other meal.  I was expecting that he would finish off the Food section with how often and when we should be eating. Instead he decides to focus on dinner time.  He did mention that breakfast should be the biggest meal of the day and that the following meals get smaller and smaller.  Our culture seems to have this backwards today.  Even to the point that people will actually skip breakfast.  I used to do this, but this is a huge no no!  What Colbert talks about though is pretty important.  When you are eating your dinner, you really should stay away from watching TV or having a heated conversation.  Pleasant conversation during a meal is very important for your digestion.  He says that when you are arguing or debating at the table or watching an intense show or movie, your blood rushes to another part of your body effecting how your digestive system works.  So when you are eating, try to avoid those heated moments.  The other thing that I know we have all heard is that it takes about 20 minutes for your hypothalamus to signal to the rest of your body that you are full.  So take your time eating.  No need to shovel everything in.  Colbert also says that especially with meats and other proteins we should chew, chew, chew!  Part of digesting properly for humans is our chewing.  When we swallow meat pieces whole it is hard on our bodies system.  Making it overwork.  So take your time eating.  Don't rush the chewing and swallowing process.  He also advises that after each bite put your fork down.  This reminds you to take your time.

Some other things he talks about are the freshness of our foods and cooking healthy.  In these hard times, buying food fresh and organic every couple of days is hard for a lot of people.  But if you can do it, you will maximize the nutrients you receive from the foods you eat.  Also, avoid frying at all costs and when you can, eat raw or steam.  When you boil vegetables in water, a lot of the nutrients are left in the water.  Microwaving makes food dead.  So when you can, avoid using the microwave.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Day 36 of 5am & SPoH: Day 20 - Eating Meat & Dairy with Caution!

Today, I did Denise Austin's Hit the Spot: Core Complete.  Honestly I did not feel like I got much from it.  I will try a different segment or two on the video to see if I get a harder workout.  I decided today to do the warm up (obviously) and the 18 minute full body segment.  I think if I did this video starting out I might have felt more challenged, but this segment was a little easier then my level. 

SPoH: Day 20 - How much meat & dairy products do you eat?  God did design us so that we can be omnivores, but there are some people out there who eat way more meat than our bodies are designed for.  Colbert says that there are three reasons for limiting meat (especially red): toxic fat, excess protein, irradiation. 

What can you do to safely eat meat?  Choose organic, free-range, or grass-fed meats and look for the leanest cut. Go with Turkey as your first choice.  Limit red meats to only 4-6 oz, once or twice a week.  Take the skin off your poultry before you cook it so that you don't risk getting pesticides cooked into the meat.  Don't deep fry your meat.  Yuck!!!  Fish is healthy, however, many have high mercury content.  So again, be cautious.  If you are buying tuna, look for tongol tuna, it contains much fewer traces of mercury.  Lok for pacific herring, king salmon, wild Pacific salmon, anchovies, and lake trout.  Avoid Shark and Swordfish. 

Dairy products (definitely a weakness of mine).  A lot of children suffer from chronic ear and sinus infections that are onset by dairy sensitivity.  If you have one of those children, try limiting their dairy intake and see if it helps.  I discovered this very thing about myself when I was either in high school or college.  I have not eliminated it from my diet completely, but I certainly have limited it.  It makes a huge difference.  Dairy products and cow's milk can also be linked to problems with skin rashes, eczema, fatigue, spastic colon, excessive mucus production, nasal allergies, and chronic sinus infections. Dairy has a lot of saturated fat.  As alternatives: consider goat milk (the biblical idea of milk), choose organic skim, eat yogurt from time to time.  Another alternative that I have chosen is almond milk.  While some people choose soy milk, they don't realize that there are many foods that already contain soy.  Also, many people have developed an allergy to soy as well.  I recommend doing your own research on the different alternatives out there.  I have heard that coconut milk is also very good for you, but the taste is very different.

Good news is that chocolate is good for you!  There are a lot of great benefits to the cacao bean. Specifically though, dark chocolate.   Watch out for the commercial chocolates.  They are highly processed and much of the benefits are destroyed in that processing.  As with all other foods, stick with organic chocolates and only eat in moderation.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Saturday Workout, Body Fat, and Juice?

Today I ran a little over 2 1/4 miles on the treadmill.  I was thinking that maybe after my long workout on the bike yesterday I would be too sore today, but if you stretch really well and I find if you sometimes take a warm bath or do something relaxing for your body later in the day, it certainly helps.  By the time I needed to workout today, my body was ready.  Maybe a few sore spots here and there, but not so sore that it feels overworked.  So today I ran and I burned another 400 calories.

I also want to mention that I took time to do some measurements today and I am proud to say that I am 15 inches down!  So excited.  In total that means I am 22.5 inches down since I started keeping track.  I only lost about a lb and a half, but the inches sure say enough for me.  My clothes fit better and I feel healthier.

The last two weeks I have had enough energy to accomplish a lot of chores that needed doing around my house.  Stuff that I would keep putting off until vacations saying that I will wait until then to do them.  Of course, when those holidays came, I never wanted to do any work.  This weekend, as a treat, I am just maintaining rather than starting big projects.  I am enjoying time with family and relaxing rather than thinking about all the things that I should be doing.  I feel as if my stress levels are lower right now.  That is a rare thing to accomplish. I feel as if doing things like spending time with God, eating healthier, exercising, etc are having a domino effect on the rest of my life.  As if everything else is falling into place nicely.

Today I am going to pass on SPoH because there are a couple of different topics I recently heard about that I wanted to share.  One, did you know that there are several different kinds of body fat?  And two, did you know that drinking fruit juice puts you at higher risk for type 2 diabetes than soda?

The different types of body fat are brown, white, subcutaneous, and visceral.  Brown fat is the one that is found even in the smallest person.  It's the fat that everyone has.  We've probably all heard that our bodies need a little fat.  This is the fat that we want most of.  It helps our bodies to metabolize and to stay warm.  White fat is another type that everyone has, but it varies more on how much.  White fat helps with storing energy and producing hormones.  Subcutaneous fat is found under the skin and is what is used to measure body fat percentages usually.  While it is not as harmful as visceral, if it is in the belly area, it can be harmful.  Visceral fat is the big culprit.  It's the fat that makes us more susceptible to diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and dementia.  Does it make sense why a lot of men tend to suffer from these issues as opposed to women?  Women are known for having more issues in other areas of their bodies.  However, they say once menopause hits for women, beware of the belly.  With the changes in your body, women tend to gain a belly.  Out of all the fats, the one that is easiest to lose is subcutaneous.  Burning visceral fat can be hard, but it can be done.  Check out http://www.webmd.com/diet/features/the-truth-about-fat?page=2http://www.livestrong.com/article/173780-how-to-burn-visceral-fat/, and http://www.wisegeek.com/what-is-visceral-fat.htm for more information.

As for juice, I heard from a podcast that there are more juice drinkers that are obese than soda drinkers.  We think it is better, but if you read the nutrition labels, there are often the same or more calories in fruit juice then there are in soda.  But it comes from fruit which is good for you!  The problem is that it is not fresh in the bottle and all of the really good stuff is stripped from the fruit once you juice it like the skin, rinds, flesh, or pulp.  All that have very good nutrients that you lose in the juice.  Not to mention that when you drink a glass of juice, you are not taking just enough from one fruit but rather of like 5, 6, or even more just in one glass.  And out of all those pieces of fruit you are missing out on the good nutrients?  It is better to eat your fruit then drink it. :)  You can treat yourself every once in awhile, but beware of Jamba Juice.  You might as well have a hamburger at McDonalds instead!  Ok maybe not, but you know what I am saying.  Don't drink your calories as the like to say in some dieting circles.  Eat them instead.  Here are a few other sites to check out:

Friday, November 25, 2011

Day 35 of 5am, Thanksgiving& Friday Workout, and SPoH: Day 19 - Living Foods

Tuesday this week, I overslept.  I was rather disappointed.  I had intended fully to wake up at 5 am, but somehow I missed turning on my alarm and my body woke me up at 6am instead of 5 am.

Wednesday morning I woke up and did my 5am workout.  I did the Biggest Loser Ultimate Workout game.  I did just a regular workout circuit this time.

Thanksgiving day I decided to do a Pilates youtube video.  It has been awhile since I have done a pilates workout and I decided to give it a try today.  I liked this workout because I did not feel that the challenge was too great.

Today I was also off work and decided to take advantage of the time that I had.  I worked out on the stationary bike today and rode 16.4 miles.  I burned a little over 400 calories during this workout.  I hope that I did not push myself too much.  We will see tomorrow.  Right now I can feel the workout in my stomach from the pilates yesterday.

SPoH: Day 19 - Living foods. "Worship the LORD your God, and his blessing will be on your food and water. I will take away sickness from among you." Exodus 23:25.  Bread also means nourishment.

At least half of what we eat should be living foods, such as fruits, vegetables, and grains. (preferably organic)  Many medicines can be avoided when you consume more fruits, vegetables, and grains.  When eating fruits and vegetables, they should be raw or steamed to gain all the benefits nutritionally from them.  It is good to eat a wide variety, however, you may want to limit the starchy vegetables if you are trying to lose weight (corn, peas, potatoes, beans, etc.).  One of the components of fruits and vegetables that is  so good for us is the fiber.  Fiber helps to move things along through our system as well as help detoxify the body.  It's gross to talk about, but if you are not having many bowel movements then you probably are not eating enough of these food groups.  You want to gradually increase your intake though so that you don't have some other side effects such as bloating, cramping, or . . . gas.  Some of the best fruits and vegetables to eat for someone who is losing weight are: Artichoke, Asparagus, Avocado, Broccoli, Cauliflower, Celery, Cucumber, Eggplant, Green beans, Lettuce, Peppers, Snow peas, Spinach, Young summer squash, and Zucchini.  Next time you go to the grocery store consider putting a few of these on the list.  They have a low glycemic level, which means that they are less likely to spike your blood sugar levels.

For your whole grains, it is good to stick with the actual definition of a "whole" grain.  Much of what we eat today is processed and stripped of it's nutrients.  The best bread that you can eat is made with sprouted grain as they did in the biblical times.  It can be a bit pricy, but one brand I really like and is even mentioned in the book is Ezekiel bread.  They have a variety of blavors and even offer english muffins as a product.  The best price I have found locally for us is at Trader Joe's.  It is not very close to where I am, but I do enjoy making a trip from time to time to pick up a few things there.  Otherwise it can be found in the frozen section of some of our bigger food chains.  Check with your local store to see if they carry it.  It is frozen because there are no preservatives.

Fats are a necessity in limited amounts.  Our bodies especially need particular fats like the Monounsaturated and Omega fats. You can find them in olive oils, nuts, and fish. Beware of canola oil and fried foods.

The challenge today is to increase your intake of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and nuts.  At the restaurants you go to, ask for more living foods and ask what kind of oil is used for their salad dressing.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Day 32-34 of 5am, Saturday workout & SPoH: Day 18 - Food 101

Ok, so rather than trying to post a blog for each day I missed, I decided to just catch you up on what I missed.  Day 32 of 5 am - Thursday I did Biggest Loser Power Sculpt, which I have done before.

Day 33 of 5 am- Friday, I decided to try something different . . . YouTube video: Kickboxing with Adrienne White.  I had videos but as I have mentioned before I can get bored of videos, so I thought I would try something new.  Since I can access You Tube from my TV, I didn't have to turn on my computer.  So awesome!  Anyways, I believe Adrienne said that she is a personal trainer in Dallas.  Her video was good, but I warn you that it is rather fast paced and hard to keep up with when you have more than like 20 lbs to lose.  I did it anyway and had a great workout.

Saturday workout, I did a half hour running sequence on the treadmill.  Alternating 3 minutes of running and 3 minutes of walking.  It felt fantastic!  I did running last year until I could not handle it anymore because of the feeling that I was setting myself up for a huge injury.  But since it has been awhile and I don't intend to run every day, I figured why not!  It was great!  Now let me say that it took me a long time to be able to say that.  The one thing I like about running is that I don't have to watch a screen to see what my next move is going to be.  Instead I can multitask and listen to or watch whatever I want.  So I listened to the most recent Jillian Michaels podcast as I ran.  We don't have a television in front of our treadmill, so I don't have that option anyways.  So you can listen to a podcast, listen to music, listen to a book on CD, or listen to a sermon like Beth Moore.  Having the ability to do that helps my mind to be engaged as well while I am working out.  I'd like to try having Saturday as my running day so that I am not overdoing the activity but that I am at least running once a week.

Day 34 of 5am - Today, I did another round of Biggest Loser Cardio Max Weight Loss.  Great burn today.  I was sweating more than usual.  It's a great feeling when you can start to see the results of your work. :)

SPoH: Day 18 - Food 101.  This is by far the longest chapter in the book so far.  It was more of a refresher course for me with a few interesting facts that I did not know before.  This chapter is basically covering why we should really be avoiding 'man-made' foods.  He starts of with a story about a woman who comes in extremely overweight trying to understand why she has gained when she eats all the basic food groups.  Whopper covers grains, meat, dairy, & vegetables and juice covers the fruit group.  Anyone else see what is wrong with this? Everything is processed and while most of us will give our kids juice, it contains a lot of added sugar.  Companies are getting better, but unless your juice is freshly squeezed at home, we don't know what else might be in it.  It is better to actually eat the fruit itself.

So what is it that is so bad about processed food?  We can put it this way.  In order to give our bodies the sustenance that it needs, we need to consume certain minerals and nutrients.  The hard thing in America is that all of the processed foods take out the nutrients that our bodies need and sell them to health food companies.  There are a couple things about white bread that I found interesting.  One, they bleach it so that it looks white, otherwise it would look gray.  The other thing is that when it is wet it is sticky.  So gross!  It is better to stick to foods that are whole grains.  I have found that more recently though, companies are starting  to catch on to the new wave of the health conscious and they are providing more healthier options.

Some things that we need to look out for are MSG, Sugar and their alternatives, white flour, fast food, bad meats (such as hot dogs, sausage, bacon, etc.), and certain fats such as hydrogenated oils.  There are so many side effects that it is hard to name them all just in this post.  Just to name a few - headaches or migraines, a variety of cancers, joint pains, nausea, etc.  The list goes on and on.  All things that we would like to avoid.  I am not going to say that I will avoid these foods altogether, but I certainly would limit how much I would intake.  I used to eat whoppers maybe 3 times a week or so and maybe a chalupa another 3 times during the week.  I'll tell you, I was not always feeling so great then. Now, I can't even remember the last time I have eaten either of them.  There are a lot of 'diets' out there that say you can eat whatever you want as long as it is in moderation.  However, knowing what is in some foods really makes me not want to eat them. If you knew that certain foods, particularly man made foods could hurt your health, does it not make you want to stop eating them all together?  Ok, so like I said, I might not do that.  But I certainly would cut back to maybe once a year for those foods that I really like.

The point of this chapter is more to be mindful of what you are eating.  Read labels.  Find out how much of the "bad" stuff you are taking in and try to limit it.  If you can't live without something, maybe try to find a healthy alternative.  You love meat and cheese sandwiches?  Eat it with whole grain bread, avocado, turkey breast and  mozzarella cheese slices, rather than white bread, mayonnaise, bologna, and american cheese.  Stick with the less processed, less preservatives, and less hormones.  I think I remember reading or hearing Jillian Michaels say, if you don't understand what certain ingredients are then don't buy it!  Most likely it is something you don't want in your body.  If you want to read more details on MSG, Sugar, etc. there are all sorts of websites you can check out or you can read the chapter in this book.  There is just too much to include in my blog that has already become rather lengthy.

Day 31 of 5am & SPoH: Day 17 - Vegetarian or not?

Wednesday I decided to take a break from the videos.  While I think they are great, some of the movement can be hard on some of my joints.  Once I have lost more weight, then it won't be so bad.  I did not want to give up a 5am workout this week though, so I did my workout on a stationary bike.  If you have that luxury, I highly recommend it.  You still want to get a calorie burn, but your body just can't take the hard core jumping around or putting all your weight on your knees as you do lunges and squats and such.  Take a break from the circuit routine and just do something that is not as hard on your joints.  Such as riding a bike or swimming.  As mentioned the other day, our bodies are not designed to carry a lot of weight, so if you are carrying more than your body is designed for, take it easy for a day.  Just get some movement in and try to at least get your heart rate up.

SPoH: Day 17 - I am so excited about this chapter.  Mainly because he brings across a point that I have talked with people about.  God's original plan was for us to be vegetarian!  Read Genesis 1:29-30.  However, as you read through the bible, God does give us the freedom to eat meat.  For Noah He says, “Every moving thing that liveth shall be meat for you; even as the green herb have I given you all things” (Genesis 9:3) and later in the new testament the bible says, "everything God created is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving, because it is consecrated by the word of God and prayer." (1 Tim 4:4-5)  So, yes, as Christians we have permission to eat what we like, but remember what Paul wrote, "all things are permissible, but not all things are beneficial." (1 Cor 6:12) What else I would like to mention that vegetation is not what it used to be.  I remember hearing that there is less variety then what we used to have.  So while being a vegetarian may be beneficial, there may be some nutrients that are difficult to find in our vegetation.  Studies have shown though that vegetarians tend to live longer, healthier lives.  I believe this is because that is what our bodies are originally designed for.  The point I guess is that while God may have designed us to be vegetarians originally, that is not his plan.  Vegetables, grains, and, of course, water should be the main part of our diets, but we do not have to stick strictly to that.  The challenge for us is to consume more vegetation.  Especially in a culture where the main course is meat.  I no longer eat meat and cheese sandwiches for lunch.  Instead I consume a salad with dried cranberries and nuts.  I still have other things to adjust, but that is an example.  Maybe think of what you can substitute for something you have regularly and make that change. :)

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Day 30! of 5am & SPoH: Day 16 - Our Bodies, God's Temple

Tuesday, I did Denise Austin's Bootcamp again.  I overslept a bit because I failed to turn my alarm on.  However, the beauty of getting up at the same time each morning through the week is that your body naturally wakes up at around the same time. :)  So I was up at a little after 5:20am.  Since this happened, I decided to go with the shortest workout that I currently had and that was Denise Austin's Bootcamp video.  Even though I woke up late, I did not give up.  I was determined to have my workout.  I will say though that I was a bit sluggish and decided instead of doing a video workout on Wednesday that I would do something that would not be as hard on my joints - riding on a stationary bike.

SPoH: Day 16 - Our Bodies, God's Temple.  I chose today's title because it is basically the same title as this chapter of the book.  Colbert starts of with a story about his truck.  His friend borrowed it, put too much weight in it, and it resulted in Colbert eventually having to repair shocks and other parts because it was too much for the frame.  His point was that our frames are only designed to carry so much weight.  When we allow ourselves to be overweight, we are more prone to needing repairs.  It's no wonder our knees, ankles, and hips hurt and that we are so tired all the time.  We're carrying all this weight around continuously, unless we do something about it.

There is another passage that I am going to take right from the book because it really is an eye opener. Maybe some of you have thought about this before:

"The main reason many Americans are obese is simply gluttony, and Christians are no exception. Think about this: How often are church functions centered around food? How many churches have doughnuts and coffee to raise attendance numbers for a Bible study or service? A study from Purdue University found that religious people are more likely to be overweight than are nonreligious people. In state-by-state comparisons, they found the percentage of obesity highest in states where religious affiliation was more prevalent. Think about it! Christians often think that because they don’t smoke, drink, or party, they can eat all they want! Then they reap what they sow in obesity, heart disease, cancer, hypertension, type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, reflux disease, sleep apnea, and loss of quality of life.

COLBERT, DONALD; Mary Colbert (2006-12-11). The Seven Pillars of Health (p. 69). Siloam. Kindle Edition.

Isn't this sooooo true?! How many of you know of a ministry aside from just a church service or bible study where their lure is food?  Yes, it was common for the disciples and the early churches to eat together, but it wasn't the main event.  It was done because they needed to sustain life and sometimes their time of fellowship, teaching and learning would take all day!  The point is that the focus was on God not food.  In our culture of marketing and ads, we have allowed ourselves to use food as a way of getting people to come learn about God instead of just allowing God to do the work or having faith that He is all anyone needs.

We have allowed ourselves to succumb to the sin of gluttony!!

Do not join those who drink too much wine or gorge themselves on meat, for drunkards and gluttons become poor, and drowsiness clothes them in rags. —PROVERBS 23:20-21, NIV

We need to learn a practice of self-control and will power.  Learn about portion sizes and moderation.  Many of our issues can be tagged to a deeper emotional issue.  Ask yourself what it is that you may be trying to deal with emotionally.  Or it may simply be that you are uneducated and now that you want to get healthy, you have to learn what it is that your body can and can't have.  Don't give up.  After all, our bodies are God's Temple!  Doesn't he deserve our best?

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Day 29 of 5am & SPoH: Day 15 - Do you eat Living or Dead Food?

Today I did another round of Biggest Loser Cardio Max Weightloss.  Good workout today.  Really struggling with the combo push ups and flys from the ground.  Not yet strong enough to make it all the way through.

SPoH: Day 15 - Do you eat Living or Dead food?  I suppose it would be easier to answer the question when you know what Colbert means by this.  Living food is the stuff that will help you to withstand all those diseases, give you energy and fight obesity.  Dead food makes you prone to all of those things.  Unfortunately a lot of the foods that we like to eat fall into the Dead category.  We have a lot of processed foods that include a lot of things that are edible, but not necessarily good for the body.  The best foods as we have all heard are fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.  They provide the most nourishment for our bodies.  Dead foods do not contain the nutrients that our bodies need which is why when we eat them, majority of the time we are still hungry for them.  So we continuously go back to the kitchen and eat because we are not providing the nutrition that our bodies need.

When I discovered this a few years ago, I was amazed at how satisfied I really did feel after, for instance, eating an apple.  I used to be able to eat a whole bag of chips and not even notice it.  You would think after knowing this information that I would have lost the weight and kept it off, but at that time I neglected the importance of exercise.  I've already shared a bit of that and there is more to come on exercise later in the book.  But today is about living food.  How many fruits, vegetables, or whole grains do you consume in a day? And I'm not talking about cinnamon rolls, cookies, etc.  I'm talking like Oatmeal, Rice, or maybe sprouted grain breads, etc.  Remember the food pyramid that we learned about in health?  Sweets were at the top of the list, so be careful what you include as a grain.  Fruits can be sweet, but the sugars they contain are different then cane sugar.

Most "living" foods can be found along the wall in the grocery stores.  Most everything in the middle of the store is better to buy sparingly.

The challenge today is to compare how much of the living foods you are eating vs the dead foods.  Also, when you are eating, take your time so that your body has enough time to let you know that you are actually satisfied.  You don't have to eat until you are full, just until you feel satisfied.  If you don't feel satisfied, that is an indication that you might be missing certain nutrients.  Eat a healthy food if you still feel hungry and see if it helps.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Sabbath & SPoH: Day 14 - You need to learn to rest!

Sunday in church, the sermon that our pastor gave was about the body of the church.  The passage was taken from 1 Cor 12.  Each part of your body plays a very vital role in how your function.  You cannot smile without your lips or the muscles attached to them.  You cannot breath without your brain or your lungs working together.  Every part of your body has a different function and they work together to make things happen.  You can take this message a couple different ways.  One, you have a role in the body of Christ.  If you are not fulfilling that role it is time to step up and use the gifts that God has given you. Two, God designed you with a purpose in mind.  He did not make you to be every part of the body.  So if you are trying to play every part, maybe it is time to step aside and let someone else who was made for that part fill the role.

I know for myself that in the past I have tried to do everything.  I had a ministry that I was a part of every night.  While I absolutely loved it, I also realized that I was stretching myself too thin and I was not giving God the most important thing.  Just myself.  I was so wrapped up in ministry, I did not have time alone with God.  However, I have been on the other end too.  I have taken some time off from ministry and realized that God has given me gifts to share.  Finding a balance is not always easy.

SPoH: Day 14 - Learning to rest. In our fast paced society, it is easy for us to forget that our bodies need rest. One of the ten commandments that were given to us is to work 6 days and rest on the 7th.  Traditionally, the churches I grew up attending have encouraged Sunday as the day of rest.  Some other churches encourage Saturday.  I know some people who believe that you can make any day your Sabbath as long as it is one day a week.  It's possible that there is more than one reason why God commanded this.  One of them being that our physical bodies need rest.

There have also been studies to show that people who take even a 20 min nap in the mid afternoon have more stamina for the rest of their evening and are able to function better.  What you must keep in mind when taking naps is that you do not want to sleep too long because you do not want your body to enter into a deep sleep at that time.  You may find yourself later unable to fall asleep when you need to be going to bed.

One of the things I used to do when I was working in an office was take half my one hour lunch and take a nap.  Maybe this is not possible where you work.  However, if you can, I highly recommend it.  You may even find yourself being more productive at work in the afternoon.  They say that you begin to lose your energy about 8 hours after you wake up.  If it is not possible then, take a nap when you get home just a few minutes to rest your body.  If napping is not ideal for you, spend time in prayer and meditate on God's word or take a bath.

Rest on the Sabbath is important, but so is finding time to rest throughout the week.  I hope you have found this blog to be encouraging and restful. :)  For more on napping check out: http://stress.about.com/od/lowstresslifestyle/a/powernap.htm

PS Sorry for the delay in my posts.  I have had a busy last couple of days.  I'll try to catch up.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Saturday Workout & SPoH: Day 13 - Sleep Aids

I was pleasantly surprised today that my body clock actually woke me up at 5:45am!  One of the ways that you know your body is getting enough sleep is that you wake up naturally, right?  I guess going to bed at a decent hour and then getting up at the same time everyday sure does help.  I am feeling quite refreshed today.  I also have been drinking more water with lemon.  It will definitely take some getting used to.  I still pucker just about everytime I take a sip.  Maybe I put too much in.

So today I did Denise Austin's 3-Week Boot Camp video again.  I liked the video a little more today.  I had my HR monitor on and my heart rate was consistently between 145-165.  If you are not sure where your heart rate should be, check out the International Fitness Association's Chart.  If you have a watch like I do, you may be able to adjust the settings to let you know when you are in a certain zone.  The nice thing about having the HR Monitor watch is that you don't have to take the time to figure out how many beats per minute your heart is going.  You can just take a glance at your watch and know if you need to push yourself harder or take it easy.

SPoH: Day 13 - Is it ok to take a sleeping aid?  Basically, medications should be avoided at all cost.  They can become addictive as well as mess up your bodies natural ability to sleep.  Colbert recommends that if you must have a sleeping aid, stick with the natural stuff, such as valerian, 5-HTP, Calcium and Magnesium (together), L-theanine, and Melatonin.  Be aware that some supplements may have an effect on prescribed medications, so please check with your doctor to make sure that it does not conflict with what you are already taking. 

Something that I like to drink before I go to bed on occasion is Sleepytime Tea by Celestial Seasonings.  It is a natural tea that contains no caffeine and Colbert says that it contains Valerian in it.  Just remember if you drink tea to be sure to drink it a couple of hours before going to bed that way you are not rudely awakened by your bladder in the middle of the night.  Maybe have a cup of tea with your little snack. :) 

Friday, November 11, 2011

Veterans Day workout & SPoH: Day 12 - Is your bedroom setup for sleeping in or for living in?

Today was another biggest loser workout.  I did Biggest Loser the Workout: Power Sculpt.  I have to say that so far out of all the workouts that I have done, the biggest loser workouts have been my favorite.  Maybe I am partial to them because I watch the show.  I also like is that it is not so challenging that I can't handle making it through the workout.  Yet, I am still getting the workout that I need.  I'm getting my heart rate up.  I'm feeling the burn.  I think right now it is right at my level.

There is an exercise that I really liked on this video.  I'm not sure if I have seen it before, but it's what is recognized as a curtsy lunge.  You could do the exercise as seen in the video or if you are still new to exercise, you can keep your back leg back on the floor and simply take your body up and down straightening and bending your legs.  What I liked about this exercise is how it really works the side of your glutes.  This is an exercise I suppose that is more for the ladies.  If you want to make it more challenging, you can hold weights  in your hands during the exercise and/or you could also bring your knee up as you stand rather than tapping your foot on the floor.

SPoH: Day 12 - Is your bedroom a place that you walk into and feel at peace, or is it mass chaos?  When you are going to sleep or relax, your bedroom should not be a place of frustration or a place where you do things other than relax.  Colbert advises that it would be better not to have things like your tv or computer in the bedroom.  Because our bodies only release melatonin when there is darkness, it can be a problem when we are trying to wind down with a tv or computer emitting light into our eyes.  It is also difficult if you use your computer for work and it is sitting in the one place where you should be able to relax.  Some of us live next to busy streets which can unfortunately mean a lot of noise at night.  Having something that makes 'white' noise can be helpful with drowning out the inconsistent sounds that are coming from outside.  In the past I have simply used a fan or humidifier as my source of white noise at night.  The sounds they emit are consistent and tend to drown out the noises from outside the bedroom.  If your room is cluttered or dirty, you may find yourself stressed or the air your are breathing is not as healthy as it should be.  Take care of your room.  Not because of all those years that your mom told you to clean your room.  Do it for your sleep and your health.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

SPoH: Day 11 - Preparing yourself for sleep

SPoH: Day 11 - It is not very often that people think that they need to prepare themselves for sleep.  I remember my pastor giving a sermon once about preparing ourselves for the Sabbath.  What we filled our minds with the night before should prepare us for a day of worship.  Staying up late or watching or listening to something that is not glorifying to God is not preparing our minds or bodies for Sabbath.  When I read this chapter, that is the message that I took from it.  In order to have a good nights rest, Colbert says it is good to prepare yourself.  Here are some things that he suggests:

1) Do some aerobic exercise in the afternoon or early evening. However, you do not want to exercise within 3 hours before your bedtime.

2) Eat dinner 4 hours before bedtime.  You can make a light snack before bed as long as it is well balanced and won't keep you up all night.

3)  Our bodies are designed to release melatonin when it gets dark that naturally makes us sleepy.  If you are having trouble feeling tired or sleepy when you are watching tv or looking at your computer it is because the lights suppress the release of the hormone.

4) Find relaxing/calming activities to do before bed rather than watching an action-packed movie. Take a hot shower or bath.

5) Find ways to appreciate things in your life rather then always worrying about things.  Your worries will keep you up all night when majority of the time there is nothing you can do about them.  Give them to God and when you are able to do something about it, take care of it then.  You will be more refreshed and able to take care of things when you have had a good nights rest.  Reading your bible before bed can help. (Colbert talks in more detail about stress relief later in the book)

6)  Apparently, sleep early in the night is important for cell replacement.  Colbert recommends going to bed before midnight. 9pm or 10pm is preferred for maximum health benefit.  (I've already broken this one tonight.) 

Personally, I am going to be working on not watching tv or being on the computer right before bed time, finding ways to appreciate my life instead of worrying so much, and finding more relaxing activities to do during the later evening hours.  Now I really must go to bed and get some sleep.

Day 28 of am & SPoH: Day 10 - How much Sleep?

Wednesday, I did Billy Blanks Bootcamp S.O.S. (Sweat off Sizes).  Let's just say that I remember doing most of these moves with his Tae Bo videos, only this one was in hyper drive.  It definitely had me sweating and getting my heart rate up, but my body is not ready to move as fast as they do.  This is a video for me to consider when I am ready to maintain.  But I did like the video.  I have had Tae Bo videos before and I have enjoyed them.

SPoH: Day 10: How much Sleep?  Ok, so we already said that you need between 7 and 9 hours.  This chapter goes into the details of why our bodies need that much sleep.  It is believed that lack of sleep can shorten your life span by 8-10 years.  I don't know about everyone else, but I used to stay up late all the time and then still get up early for school or work the next day. I could even function ok.  Now, my body just does not want me to do that.  I feel much more fatigued during the day if I do and as many people will say, "I'm just not as young as I used to be."  I can only imagine what damage I've already done to my body by robbing it of its sleep time during my young adult and teenage years.  Adults need 7-9 hrs, Infants need 14 hrs, 5-year-olds need 12 hours per day.  There is a quiz containing yes or no questions in the book about "How do you know you are getting enough sleep?"  While we are sleeping, our bodies go through cycles that last 60-90 minutes and to get what our bodies need, we should experience 5-6 cycles per night.  These cycles are only obtained through a deep restful sleep.

If you want, you can keep a journal of your sleeping patterns to see how you are doing.  Colbert made a chart that has days on the verticle columns and Bedtime, Wake-up Time, Total Hours of sleep, I felt . . . , and Notes in the Horizontal column.  This may help with your discovery of what it is that may be keeping you from getting a good nights rest.  Was it caffeine?  Was it the kids?  Was it the pizza with the tomato sauce you had the day before? etc.  I have figured out for me a lot of what has triggered my not being able to sleep just asking this question each morning when I do not feel that I had adequate sleep.  It is good to make a routine of asking this question.  You may find that you will want to start avoiding those things that you know will trigger a bad nights sleep.  Obviously there are some factors that are out of your control, like your kids.  But you can still attempt to try and change that.  My parents would tell us to stay in bed until a certain time even if we are up.  Or at least stay in our room and play quietly if we can no longer sleep.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Day 27 of 5am & SPoH: Day 9 - Causes of Insomnia

Ok, so I am a little behind on my blogs.  Tuesday, I did the On the ball Pilates workout for beginners.  I have not done a pilates video workout for quite some time.  The last time I tried a pilates video workout I couldn't even make it through the first few exercises.  Maybe I didn't check the level of difficulty.  This one was challenging, but not so much that I was not able to at least get through the exercises.  I do notice that I am getting stronger though, so maybe that is why I am able to handle it.

SPoH: Day 9 - Causes of Insomnia.  Are you experiencing restless sleep?  There could be many reasons for it. Here are a list or reasons that could be causing it: stress/anxiety, physical pain, caffeine, cigarettes/alcohol (yes, even alcohol), medications, too much sugar or highly processed foods, low-carb diets, exercising within 3 hours before you go to bed, bad sleeping arrangements, snoring spouse, women/men physical problems, babies, or your environment.  What is causing your lack of sleep?  Do you have anything you would include?

I would mention drinking water just before your bedtime.  Obesity can cause a number of physical issues as well that make it difficult, such as acid reflux or sleep apnea.  As you lose weight, you may find yourself resting better.  I know it has certainly helped me.  Although, I have a long way to go yet. 

Monday, November 7, 2011

Day 26 of 5am & SPoH: Day 8 - Sleep!

Today I was so ready to workout.  It has been way too long I think since I was able to get a good workout in, due to extreme soreness.  I did do some stretching this weekend and that certainly seemed to help.  I may do some stretching again tonight to keep my muscles loose.  The workout I did today was another Biggest Loser Cardio Max Weightloss video.  This one is different from the video I did a couple weeks ago.  The part that really works me in this video is when Bob has you in plank position doing "jumping jacks" on the floor.  I had to modify because my body is just not strong enough yet to accomplish this.  Although, I must say that push ups are indeed getting easier.  I'm still on my knees most of the time (especially when doing reps in high numbers), but it is getting easier.  If you are reading this and the reason you aren't working out is because it's too hard to do some of the exercises, STOP MAKING EXCUSES!  Start simple.  There are easier ways of doing certain exercises or working certain muscles if you tend to be weak in a certain area.  When I started working out jumping rope, jumping jacks, and push ups were my biggest challenges.  As time has gone on I am getting better and better at them everyday and have to find new ways to challenge myself and make some exercises more challenging just to get a workout from it.  Don't give up just because it's too hard.  Start at your level and work your way up.  

SPoH: Day 8 - Sleep! Psalm 127:2 (NIV) says, “He grants sleep to those he loves.” To those who are tired, He says, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest” (Matt. 11:28, NIV). Sleep helps with regulating hormones, slow aging, building a better immune system, improving brain function, reducing cortisol levels.  When you don’t get enough sleep, you may be at risk for developing type 2 diabetes, become clumsy, risk your job and marriage, endanger lives, and be more prone to diseases.   Colbert’s advice for everyone is to get between 7 and 9 hours of sleep every night.

COLBERT, DONALD; Mary Colbert (2006-12-11). The Seven Pillars of Health (p. 38-41). Siloam. Kindle Edition.

We all know that sleep is important, but it doesn’t hurt to be reminded of how important it is.  Sometimes having reasons for getting the sleep we need is helpful.  If you are really struggling with sleeping at night, working out and eating properly is what has really helped me.  I still have a hard time here and there getting a goodnights rest, but I sure can tell the difference between those days when I have been working out and eating better from the days when I don’t.  Drink plenty of water , eat those fruits and vegetables, and work your body a little harder today and see if it helps your sleep.  That’s 3 steps you can take. 

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Preface to Rest & Relaxation

So I know that the next part of the SPoH book is supposed to be about rest & relaxation.  Today, I was thinking about a time in which I felt most rested and relaxed and how is it that I can achieve that on a regular basis. 

A place that has always been a place where I have felt rest and relaxation has been at Camp Zion or Door County, WI.  When I am there I am away from the business of life without the modern day distractions of technology and all of the entertaining attractions that we have.  As nice as they can be sometimes, they are also a distraction from other more important things from time to time and for me only cause more stress.

I have a memory also from about 10 years ago where a group from my church had a retreat at an old college existing since the 1850s.  It was right next to a lake and had very grand buildings modeled after a college in England.  We stayed in dormitory type rooms that were very simple.  Only a bed, light, nightstand and a place to put our clothes.  While we all attended a few seminars together, the rest of the time was spent in solitude.  To this day, I believe that it was the most peaceful weekend I have ever had in my life.

Achieving some of these things in our everyday lives can be difficult sometimes.

In Exodus 20 it says: 8 “Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. 9 Six days you shall labor and do all your work, 10 but the seventh day is a sabbath to the LORD your God. On it you shall not do any work, neither you, nor your son or daughter, nor your male or female servant, nor your animals, nor any foreigner residing in your towns. 11 For in six days the LORD made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but he rested on the seventh day. Therefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy.

Maybe He knew that as humans we need that time.  Time to worship Him and to rest so that we would be better to serve Him the rest of the week.  Whether you spend your sabbath on Saturday or Sunday or even another day, I won't go into that, it is good to give that day to God.  Take a break from all of the chores around the house, spend more time with God, take a nap, spend time in fellowship with your fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. I'm not talking about socializing but rather spending time reading scripture, discussing it, learning from each other and praying for one another.  I know this is an area that I can still be working on and I'm sure many of you who are reading this feel the same way.

What was your most restful moment in life? How can you achieve that each week?  Something to think about.  I look forward to reading SPoH and sharing with you what Colbert has to say about this topic.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Saturday Workout & SPoH: Day 7 - How Much and When

Today, I took some advice from my cousin and did some stretching today because I am still sore.  Most sites I researched said that stretching is one of the important ways of relieving soreness.  A few said that it can cause more damage.  But I am taking caution not to over stretch my muscles so that I do not wind up with a worse injury.  Check out http://www.wikihow.com/Stretch-to-Relieve-Sore-Muscles for more.

SPoH: Day 7 - How Much, and When, to Drink.  Believe it or not, I already mentioned how much water we are supposed to intake each day.  I didn't know that he actually mentioned it in his book.  Just as a reminder, we are supposed to intake half your weight in ounces: Weight /2= ounces.  If you do not consume that much drinking, keep in mind that we also intake water through some of the foods we eat such as fruits and vegetables.  If you eat a lot of baked goods, you will need to consume more in your beverage.  According to Colbert, Caffeine is not all bad for you.  There are some benefits to coffee and greet tea.  The both contain antioxidants.  Some research shows that it helps with some diseases, but if you have arrhythmias of the heart, fibrocystic breast disease, and migraine headaches, you should probably avoid caffeinated beverages altogether.  Climate can also effect how much your body needs.  For instance, if you work outside a lot during the hot hours and find yourself sweating a lot, you might find that your body will need a lot more than on a cooler day when you are indoors and not sweating nearly as much.  When should you drink.  Colbert actually advises not to drink too much during a meal.  He says that it is much like pouring water over a fire.  It disrupts the digestive process.  He advises to drink 15- 30 minutes before meals or 2 hrs after, only drink 4-8 oz of room temperature water during meals, and don't drink much past 7pm (or I have heard 3 hours before your bedtime) because it may interfere with your sleep.  If you are trying to lose weight, drink more water before your mealtime so that you get that more full feeling.  Be aware that you CAN drink too much water.  The psychological condition is called psychogenic polydipsia.  I think a good rule of thumb should be not to drink any more than 16-24 oz at a time.  To end the water segment, Colbert reminds us that we should pray for our water before we drink it.  He leaves us off with a couple of bible references: Mark 16:18 and Exodus 23:25

I am so thankful for the wisdom that Colbert brings.  There are so many verses in the bible that refer to water, in the physical and spiritual sense.  God has designed our bodies to depend on it and we should not take that lightly.  However, I will say this, be careful not to let the things that are learned or what you cannot control cause you to stress.  We cannot control how many problems we have with our water.  We can only do what we are able to control and the rest we must leave to God.  As I mentioned, right now what I can do is use my brita and add lemon juice to my water.  That is all I can control right now in my current circumstances.  The rest I will pray for.

Next section is on "R&R".  Water is the first pillar, Rest & Relaxation is the second.

Friday, November 4, 2011

No 5am & SPoH Day 6 - Water Filters

Again, no 5 am.  Start again on Monday.  I do think I should be able to workout tomorrow morning though. Since I missed the last few days I really should.

SPoH: Day 6 - Water Filters. Here is what Colbert has to say today:

One of the best kinds of water to drink is filtered water. Carbon filters are the “entry-level” filters: inexpensive, reliable, and common (i.e. Brita, PUR, ZeroWater, etc.). There are two types of carbon filters. One uses granulated carbon; the other uses a solid carbon block. Carbon filters are not totally effective for heavy metals, and they don’t remove fluoride, viruses, pharmaceuticals, or personal care products.Water distillers are extremely effective at removing everything, unfortunately even good minerals, from water. A growing body of evidence suggests that completely mineral-free water is worse for your body than water with dissolved minerals in it. In terms of price, reverse-osmosis systems are the “optimum level” of water filters. The water it produces is similar to distilled water. Nevertheless, both distilled and reverse-osmosis water are the purest water. If you use these filters, make sure that you take adequate minerals. It’s also a good idea to add an alkaline booster to the water. Your body thrives in an alkaline environment since it is able to detoxify more efficiently than in an acidic environment. In an alkaline environment your tissues get rid of impurities more efficiently. Many health problems are associated with being too acidic, including chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, arthritis, arteriosclerosis, most cancers, diabetes, autoimmune disease, osteoporosis, and practically all degenerative diseases. Some spring waters are alkaline, but you can create alkaline water from tap water or spring water by using an alkalizing filter. Evamor and Abita waters are just a few of the alkaline bottled waters. I encourage you to examine the benefits of each filter, do your research, decide what you’re going to do—and then do it!

COLBERT, DONALD; Mary Colbert (2006-12-11). The Seven Pillars of Health (p. 26-29). Siloam. Kindle Edition.

The challenge here is to look for a filter (if you don't already have one).  I currently have a brita which is probably not the best, but it is what I can afford and according to Colbert, it sounds like it is better for me to have that then drinking straight tap water or bottled water.  If anyone has any more recent findings, I would not mind hearing them.  I read an article the other day that says too much alkaline water also has it's side effects.  But it is much better for us.  We just have to trust that God will provide our bodies with what it needs and make the best decisions we can to take care of the bodies he has given us.

If you can't buy a filter for making your water alkaline, consider using lemons as an alternative. 

- http://phbalance.wikispaces.com/Lemons+Alkaline%3F and http://www.ehow.com/about_5373187_can-water-make-water-alkaline.html  
-   http://www.lifemojo.com/lifestyle/top-10-health-benefits-of-lemon-water-1422542

Thursday, November 3, 2011

No 5am & SPoH: Day 5 - Bottled Water

Still really sore today, so I did not workout.  I did not have much time or opportunity to rest yesterday.  Today I hope that I will have more time and that I'll be ok for tomorrow.

SPoH: Day 5 - Bottled water. From the book - Bottled water is actually less regulated than tap water and can be just as toxic. It is only tested yearly, while our tap water is tested daily. Penta Water, one of the top-selling bottled waters in health food stores, is considered the purest bottled water on the market. I find it especially beneficial for my patients with fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, headaches, arthritis, and most degenerative diseases. The other major problem with much bottled water is that it comes in plastic bottles. I suspect that many other companies will be following suit [by distributing in glass bottles] because as the price of oil increases, so does the price of plastic. Reusing your water bottle may seem kind to the environment, but it’s terrible for your body. Web sites that help in finding information about different bottled waters are www.AquaMaestro.com and www.mineralwaters.org. If you drink bottled water, check if the manufacturer of the bottled water is a member of the IBWA (International Bottled Water Association). Purchase clean bottled water, preferably alkaline and in glass containers rather than plastic.

COLBERT, DONALD; Mary Colbert (2006-12-11). The Seven Pillars of Health (p. 21-26). Siloam. Kindle Edition.

I have always assumed that bottled water is better for you.  Sure I knew about the BPA recently, but the fact that it is not regulated the same way as tap water has me questioning my habits.  Sure, it is probably better in Europe or another continent or even some other countries to have bottled.  I am definitely considering using a filter more.  It is possible that some of this has chanced since he wrote the book. I looked at IBWA's website and found a PDA file regarding Tap Water vs. Bottled Water if anyone is interested in reading something that is more current.  You can check it out at www.thefactsaboutwater.org.  Day 6, Colbert talks more about filtering water.

If anyone has any questions or comments, let me know.  I'd be happy to hear your thoughts and if you have questions, I love doing research, I will do my best to answer your questions or look it up.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

No 5am & SPoH: Day 4 - Tap Water

So apparently the workout with Jillian Michaels I did was more taxing on my body then I thought.  I needed to take a day of rest.  Hoping I can get up tomorrow and workout.  Right now it is almost 9pm and my legs are still hurting.  Not looking for further injury, so I will just wait and see how I am tomorrow.  I'm thinking about doing pilates tomorrow if I can.

SPoH: Day 4 - Tap Water.  I always felt that tap water was ok.  that the little bit of chlorine that they put in it was good because it got rid of any bacteria that I don't want entering my body.  What I was reading today though is that chlorine may get rid of the bacteria, but it doesn't eliminate all of the toxins, metals,  pesticides, personal care products, and other chemicals that have seeped into the water.  It doesn't always eliminate the bacteria either.  Fluoride in the water is not good for us either.  Ever notice on tooth paste how it says 'Warning do not swallow'?  That's because fluoride is not good for our bodies.    At one time, tap water was ok to drink, but currently, there are too many things that can effect our health.  If you want to take a deeper look at your cities water, check out www.ewg.org.  There is more to come another day on what to do to remedy this situation.

Given the economical situations that many of us our dealing with in our country, not being able to drink tap water is a bit of a concern to me.  It's not free, but it certainly is a lot cheaper then buying bottles of water to drink every week, I think. Not to mention all of the bad things that I have heard about drinking from water bottles.  I'm interested in hearing what Colbert has to say about this.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Day 25 of 5am and SPoH: Day 3 - More Water

Today I did Shred-It with weights by Jillian Michaels.  I was really excited and ready to sweat, but my heart rate barely maintained 120.  So either I need a heavier weight to work with, or I need to vamp it up a little more.  There was one particular exercise that was difficult for me to do, but I was expecting more.  While it makes me feel good to know that the exercises are getting easier for me, on the other hand, I realize that means I'm going to have to work harder and push myself on the more difficult exercises so that I can perfect them more.  Mixed feelings today.

SPoH: Day 3 – More on water.  Interesting concept – when you take water away from a plum, you get a prune.  Just ponder that for a moment.  This is what water does for your skin.  For those who are losing weight, when you are dehydrated your body releases a hormone that causes water retention.  When you start drinking more water, your body releases all of the toxins and access water that it has been storing up.  So you may be going to the restroom more frequently for awhile, but over time as you continue to drink water, you will find that you won’t have to go nearly as often.  Your body is merely flushing out the system so to speak.  Experiencing memory loss? More recent studies show that our brains actually can grow new cells and since it is made up of 85% water, there is hope if you are drinking enough water.  Did you know that on average infants have about 80% water where as the elderly has less than 50% water?  Water can help to revive the cells in our body.  Basically, water helps to slow the aging process down.  I think I’m more motivated.  Colbert challenges everyone to start eating more salads, vegetables, and fruits because they contain a high percentage of water in them.

To follow up with yesterdays post, I drank a total of 112 oz of water yesterday.  How did everyone else do? Today I am currently at 78 oz.  After reading today's segment of the book, I'm feeling pretty good about it.  I am even encouraging some of my students to drink more water in hopes that maybe it will help some of them with what they are dealing with.